Wednesday Night Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

I'm not completely myself tonight...not feeling so hot, so I doubt my thoughts will be too profound or too plentiful. But I'll give it a shot...

1. It was refreshing to see adult leaders share some of their deepest wounds. Middle school student- I pray their example set the stage for a year filled with vulnerability and deep honesty with your small group.
2. I say it all the time- but I just don't want this community to be normal. We aren't called to be...Jesus is daily inviting us to embrace something bigger, love more, serve freely...and that's not normal. But it's glorious.
3. I love You Deserve by Hillsong United. It's just plain good stuff.
4. Be patient with us as we figure out Summer Camp stuff- we are still working on it. It's looking like we are going to have to shift around the Cincinnati and Ireland trips as well. We'll let families know as soon as we have final confirmation.
5. It's a joy to rip open the Bible and see what God desires for us as a people. Check this video out.
6. Invite your friends next week to our first AMP night!!! Free grub, mechanical bull, hay ride, horseshoes, line dancing, karaoke, etc. - a little taste of Texas. Ok, not the part of Texas I am from, but where my country cousins are from...

I know my thoughts were weak tonight...get over it.

Good night all.


Posted by Zachary Seelye

To quote a great friend of mine, Chris Gehman--

"This is a God that will go to the whorehouse to buy you back..." (referencing Hosea)


'He has torn us to pieces, but He will put us back together again. He has injured us, but He will bind up our wounds." Hosea 6:1

I just fell more in love.

Sunday night Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

I am fickle. Small. Selfish. Insecure. But daily being restored by the power of the Gospel and Jesus himself. 

I want to apologize for the fact that I walked away from our gathering tonight more focused on the sound being off during worship, how the night just seemed too frazzled and how nothing seemed to flow- all the while Jesus was changing lives. Shame on me. The Gospel went forth and transformation was the invitation. How trivial do I make things?

A few thoughts

1.  I am excited to see God use Zach at Crosswalk- he will be one of the main teachers throughout the year and I think God through Zach is what our community needs- the raw Gospel flooding us with its relentless pursuit. 
2.  Next week (our first AMP night) is the time to bring your friends!!! Our hope is that you have already been living out and sharing your faith with these friends and AMP nights are a natural environment for you to introduce them to the community that is challenging you in your spiritual journey. We will have a hay ride, line dancing, mechanical bull, dress-up contests/ prizes, free grub, etc. It's the same time as a regular Crosswalk night. 
3.  The Gospel changes lives. Period. 
4.  Normally "wrong" behaviors in our lives are just symptoms of a larger disease- the condition of our hearts. 
5.  I am going to be honest- I am tired of preferences. Especially from those who are part of the body of Christ...those who know Jesus. It's not about us! It's not about our preferences, our's about Jesus' name becoming more and more famous. So we didn't play a game that you wanted? Or you were only placed with 3 of the 4 friends you asked to be with in your small group? Was Jesus' name magnified? Did His Gospel go forth? Did you serve someone, sacrificially love someone at a gathering? I think these are the questions we should be concerned with...
6.  We have some of the best leaders imaginable. 

Parent Survey  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

Hey Parents-

We want to hear from you! So we have set up a short survey for you to share both your greatest glories and greatest trials as parents...and to help us devise ways to better partner together to disciple your children. Thanks for 15 minutes of your time!


Note: This survey can also be found at the top of our main Student Ministry webpage.

Wednesday Night Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

Just a few thoughts after an amazing night at Impact:

  1. I love middle school students. They are some of the most real and exciting people I know.
  2. I love it when God speaks to a person's heart- it is undeniable. Thanks to a 7th grade girl for reminding me of this tonight.
  3. I overheard a kid say, "This was a pretty intense night, deeper than I thought it would be. But I'm shocked I had so much fun." I love the fact that we believe students can embrace hard truths and not be scared away.
  4. Dodge ball is still fun...even when you get hit in the face.
  5. Everyone of our middle school students who are missing Impact for sports (which I recently found out is at least 50 kids!!!) - you're missing out. Make it a priority to be here.
  6. If you are missing out on Wednesday nights just because of fear, or because you didn't connect with anyone last Wednesday or you don't know anyone...stop running from what God wants to do in your life. Get here next week for our wrap-up of the WE series. You don't want to miss it!
  7. We had real and honest conversation around what it might look like to live in true, vulnerable community at Impact...beautiful stuff.
  8. There is already excitement around our Summer Mission Trips in 2010. WOW! For those of you who have asked- the applications will be available in November.
  9. I love doing what I do!

I think that's about it...ok there is a ton more, but that's it for now!

You are dearly loved. Keep running to Jesus.

Note: Ok, yes I stole this idea from Perry Noble, but I have a feeling I would have done something like this anyway! And yes I plan to do this after every Crosswalk as well.

I love this  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

"I didn’t go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port (wine) would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity."

- C.S. Lewis


Posted by Zachary Seelye

He is filthy.

What were once his crispy clean, blue-and-white striped overalls are completely covered in a black, dusty substance.


Day after day, this man slaves over his work. Shovelful after shovelful, he persists--his goal being to keep this 10-ton, technological feat of iron and steel moving. The year is 1815, and for the last 11 years this man has been an engineer for the first locomotive ever invented (if you were to ask this man, he would never admit it--for he would never take any glory--but he was instrumental in the inception of this machine). Driven by steam, this iron beast would take only the wealthiest to their destinations--usually the big cities such as Chicago (well before the fires) where they would lavish themselves in the finest of dining, shopping, and leisure. Indulgence was their religion, and fulfilling their desires was their devotion.

As the engineer would work, we would often have to walk through the cabins to make sure that each car was securely connected. He would go from car to car--shine, rain, storm, snow, sleet, hail--painstakingly checking to be assured that his passengers were safe. He never failed.

Often, as he was walking through the cabin--the same cabin as the rich--he would receive sneers from those he served. He was looked upon with dismay, as a failure because he did not have what his passengers did. But still, he loved each one enough to make sure they reached their destination safely, wherever it may have been. Never talked to, cared for, or loved, he continued on persistently.

One day, a small child approached him, and began to talk to him. Taken back with surprise, the engineer smiled, and responded to each question inquired of him:

"What are you doing, mister?"

"Putting the coal into the furnace, so the train keeps moving."


"Because everyone in the train is trying to get somewhere, and I'm the one that has the job of delivering them."

"But you look really dirty--do you like doing it?"

"I don't--it's what I was born to do. I work everyday, sun-up to sun-down. But I do love it, because I get to see my passengers arrive where they need to be."

The child inquires, "Can I try?," and the engineer gives her permission. She lifts as much coal as she can in the shovel, and carefully throws it in the furnace.

She stands their for a minute before mustering up her next question. When it finally escapes her mouth, she wonders if she should have asked it: "How can you love it? Everyone looks at you like they are scared--like you are a criminal."

With eyes full of excitement that she noticed, the engineer responds to her, "Yes, they do, and it hurts. But I love when they get off the train with smiles on their faces. It's as if they say 'I'm sorry' and 'thank you' with their smiles."

With tears in her eyes and a smile on her face, the child opens her arms to the engineer, gives him a hug, kiss, and through tears she whispers in his ear the most genuine 'thank you' that she can muster. She realized that this ball of soot was the most deeply caring and loving person she had ever encountered, for he dealt with pain just to see his patrons smile.

She says 'goodbye' to the man, and off she runs--with his soot on her dress--back to her seat. Quickly, her mother notices, and scolds her repeatedly, spanking her--but the child seems unaffected because she thinks the hug was worth the pain.

The engineer looks out, sees the child being disciplined--but she is smiling. The engineer smiles--she'll never forget him.

Collide Student Ministries Vision Statement  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

I would love if everyone of our leaders, students, parents could just memorize this little statement so we really could see the synchronization we are desiring:

Impact and Crosswalk exists to develop and deploy families and students, who, by serving, captivate their peers to discover a full-life in Christ.

It's worth memorizing.

WE Series starts this week  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

Stop being satisfied with collecting mere acquaintances, friendships that never go soul-deep...the ones who just boost your Facebook friends total (don't know you have done it). It's time to get honest, vulnerable, and painfully real with a community. Come discover if our community could be that place.

See you this week.

Matthew 5- Part 4  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."

"God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied."

I find it interesting that the translators use justice interchangeably with righteousness. Why does that surprise me so much? Because my experiences with the word righteousness growing up in a rules-based church had everything to do with: behaving, standing tall, wearing your "Sunday best". Right was equated with a formula. But Jesus turns this upside down here. He equates right with justice. Desperately seeking the betterment of those around us- yearning to see everyone on the same level ground.

This is what God desires. Don't believe me? Check out Micah 6:8.

He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

If you say right now...

"I am not satisfied in life...I rarely find any fulfillment in it."

Could it be because you were created to walk in the rhythm of justice...but you have been walking to the beat of selfishness and formulas? And it's just not fulfilling for you?

So how can you uphold justice today? How can you bring someone up to the level ground of justice (not fairness!)- while refraining from elevating someone above the level ground of justice (like we are so prone to do).

Blessed are you when you are so desperate for justice that you even hunger and thirst for it.

Rooted Group Preview Events this Sunday  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

Still on the edge about whether you want to be a part of a Rooted Group? Come check out our Preview Events this Sunday (9/20) that will give you a bigger picture into what each group will look like. 

MS Preview Event- 9:15 service
HS Preview Event- 11:00 service

This Sunday, Sept. 20 is the last day to sign up for Rooted Groups. 

Preview Nights  

Posted by Jordan Jones in , ,

Our 2009-10 Preview Nights are rapidly approaching. Come out this Sunday for HS (Sept. 13) and next Wednesday for MS (Sept. 16) to get a little peak into where we are heading as a student community this year.

A few things to expect:

  1. Music that will get you dancing (well...everyone else are you with peer pressure?)
  2. Teaching from yours truly that will make you a little uncomfortable- but hopefully allow you to get a picture into who you were created to be
  3. Preview booths with info about all of our major events
  4. Food stations that you can grab from after you have checked out the corresponding preview booth (you will get a stamp from the leader at the preview booth to show to the food station). I know it sounds complicated. Calm down- you're smarter than this.
  5. A video that will give you a glimpse into who we are and who we are begging God to become
  6. Prizes
  7. A few surprises here and there

Be there!

Rooted Groups  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

Rooted Group sign-ups have been pouring in...get yours in by Sept. 20. You can mail them in or drop them in the Student Ministries Drop box outside the Student Center.

To check out the Fall Impact Rooted Groups (which meet at the church during the 9:15 service), click here.

To check out the Fall Crosswalk Rooted Groups (which meet at various times throughout Greater Lansing), click here.

For general details check out our Develop page on the Trinity website.

Note: Jon & Kathy Galbreath are teaching the Ten Tough Things MS Rooted Group.

Matthew 5: Part 3  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

"A real Christian is an odd number, anyway. He feels supreme love for the One whom he has never seen; talks familiarly every day to Someone he cannot see; expects to go to heaven on the virtue of Another; empties himself in order to be full; admits he is wrong so he can be declared right; goes down in order to get up; is strongest when he is weakest; richest when he is poorest and happiest when he feels the worst." - A.W. Tozer

The truly upside down life.

I don't know if you have caught it yet...but these BEattitudes wreck everything that seems comfortable (well...if we truly understand them and engross them into our lives). These attitudes completely change the story...demand us to u-turn from our personal kingdom of self-preservation (because isn't that the only thing our kingdoms embrace anyway?) and invite us to merge with the flipped Kingdom of God.

So what's in store for today?

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."

The what?

The meek? Isn't that what is wrong with Christians today Jesus? They're cowards? The last word to describe most of your followers is powerful...aren't you just feeding into that?

My thoughts on this verse for 15 years...

Until I got a little context.

Meek here has nothing to do with fear. Nothing to do with gentleness they way we tend to define it.

Jesus is saying...never lose sight of who you are. You have been brought from the depths of darkness and are now able to commune with the Blessed and only Ruler, the One who lives in inapproachable light. With this realization brimming from your every thought and action- there is no reason to count yourself higher than you should. There is no way for you to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments, your gifts, your talents.

Look at what another version says:

"God blesses those people who are humble. The earth will belong to them!"


"You're blessed when you're content with just who you are—no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought."

A real Christian is an odd number, aren't they?