Day 3 Renew Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones

I read v. Genesis 4:15-16 and remembered a C.S. Lewis quote: "To walk out of His will is to walk into nowhere." But did the reality that God still pursued/loved a murderer change your perceptions of Him a little bit as well?

Day 2 Renew Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones

All sin is rooted in mistrust: that God is holding out on us, that He isn't for us, that He doesn't really love us, that He doesn't want our best, that what He promised us he won't come through on. Collide- please let the reality that Jesus loves you and longs to take you to the fullest life sink deep into your being. He can be trusted.

Have you signed up for Camp?  

Posted by Jordan Jones in ,

I read this quote from Almost Christian by Kenda Dean that reminded me of the immense value of camp:

"Spiritually, it refers to the discipline that some medieval theologians called detachment. Modern psychological theory uses this word to designate damaged relational bonds, but in the Middle Ages detachment was a term used by the church. It simply meant disentangling ourselves from whatever distracts us from Jesus Christ, so all of our attention- and all of our lives- may be fixed upon Him. The effect of spiritual detachment is liberation, freeing us from lesser allegiances so we can entertain new possibilities that Christ presents for us and for the world."

I'm not the begging type...but I hope you realize the unheralded worth of camp. Get your sign-ups in!