I met with part of our leadership team last night and we came up with a way for incoming 9th graders to go to Impact Summer Camp 2009. And no...I'm not kidding. Read the following paragraph closely as I will lay out what this is going to look like. And please know spots will be on a first-come first-serve basis and will only be available for three weeks from June 28- July 19.
We are opening up a special offer for incoming 9th graders to go to both Impact Summer Camp and the Mystery Trip for $240 (which is a $60 value). You must go on the Mystery Trip to be qualified to go to Summer Camp. The main reason we didn't open up camp to outgoing 8th graders in the first place was because we wanted to stress the importance of the Mystery Trip being an on-ramp to Crosswalk- but this way Camp can still serve as the capstone to your time with Impact, but also connect into Crosswalk by attending the Mystery Trip weekend.
We obviously understand there will be exceptions. If you have a valid excuse why you can't go to the Mystery Trip (and being scared of the unknown is not a valid excuse...we're talking more on the lines of pre-planned family vacation), but still want to go to camp- the price for you will be $200. If you have already signed up for the Mystery Trip and want to go to camp as well- the price for you is the original price for camp...$180.
We will have a new sign-up sheet that combines these two events together for incoming 9th graders on the web asap and at the Student Registration Area by June 28. Keep your eyes open.
This entry was posted
on Friday, June 19, 2009
at Friday, June 19, 2009
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impact camp,
Summer 2009,
summer camp
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