Just received this e-mail from Steve Berg, who heads up all of our outreach relationships with Bingham Elementary. They are inviting Bingham students to be a part of our VBS in a few weeks, but they need to get the word out. If you are interested in helping, you can call Steve Berg directly or just show up. We should have a few representatives from the Student Ministry there! Check it out:
Hello everyone! I trust you are having a great summer on these "Fall-Like" days. This cooler weather makes me want to skip right to football season, but I am not ready to give up so much summer fun just yet!
We have secured a bus to transport children from Bingham to Trinity for the week of VBS (July 20-24) and need your help in getting the invitations out in the Bingham neighborhood.
On Monday, July 13, I would like to have about 15-50 of us meet at the school to divide up and go door-to-door inviting the children of the neighborhood to come to VBS at Trinity. We will have flyers to leave behind with all the information they will need.
Grab a friend, grab the kids, grab some walking shoes and a smile and meet at Bingham Elementary School on Monday, July 13 at 6:15 to head out for about 90 minutes. We will be sure to work in teams of 2-4 for security purposes.
Do you have another suggestion on how we could make the invitation more memorable? Please shoot me a message and let me know your thoughts. How can we pack the bus full?
Thank you,
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on Friday, July 10, 2009
at Friday, July 10, 2009
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