Just a reminder that Sunday, August 23 is the last day of CommonPoint this summer. We will take a few weeks off before the Fall to get everything amped up...then our first month will look like this (and it's a lot to take in friend...)
Sept. 9- All leaders meet at Trinity for a run-through/ training
Sept. 13- Parent's Meetings (1st service MS, 2nd service HS)
Sept. 13 (6-8 p.m.)- Crosswalk starts its normal Sunday night schedule with a 2009-10 Preview Night (ya, sort of like a Fall Kick-off)
Sept. 16 (6:30-8:30 p.m.)- Impact starts its normal Wednesday night schedule with a 2009-10 Preview Night
Sept. 20- Rooted Group Previews (1st service MS, 2nd service HS)
Sept. 27- Rooted Groups start this week
This entry was posted
on Saturday, August 22, 2009
at Saturday, August 22, 2009
and is filed under
fall 2009
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