Fall Retreat (Nov. 13-15)  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

You have 9 days left to sign up for the Fall Retreat. We are sculpting the weekend to be a chill, restful escape from the busyness and craziness of all of our schedules. I know- it's weird. But we truly believe this what God desires...so sign up and see God move.

You can find the sign-up form here.

It wouldn't hurt to read Acts 17 before the retreat...we will be there all weekend long!

AMP nights this next week  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

Every first Sunday and Wednesday we host "AMP" nights where we encourage all of our students to invite at least 1 of their friends who they have already had spiritual conversations with so they can be introduced to our student community here at Trinity. Those are coming up this week! Here are the details.

Crosswalk (HS): Bonfire Blitz (Sunday, Nov. 1)

We will meet in the Student Center and then head over to the woods behind Trinity. We will have 5 different groups of students/ leaders who will travel around to each of the 5 bonfires (almost progressive dinner-esque). I won't tell you all of the foods that we will have available to cook, but here are a few to wet your appetite: shrimp, marinated fruit, smores (with some new options!).

Impact (MS): Bowling Classic (Wednesday, Nov. 4)

We will not be meeting at Trinity on Wednesday! You can meet directly at Sky Lanes (5141 S Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Lansing, MI 48911-3537) at normal Impact time (6:30 p.m.) We will end at 8:30 p.m. The cost is $5 per student which includes at least 2 games of bowling and shoes. However, if you have bowling shoes or any shoes that have clean, white soles...please wear them! Not a bad deal, huh?

Wednesday Night Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

1. I said this last night, but it truly never gets old to see Jesus move and do His thing.

2. 20 kids were baptized...how refreshing to see students respond to Jesus through simple obedience.
3. The coolest story of the night for me: Two kids who came to Christ at Impact Summer Camp back in August brought two of their closest friends from school. One of the friends came to Christ last night AND was baptized. No holding pattern or lesson in the five spiritual laws. Just Jesus and the simple command to be baptized. I see it throughout the early church- come to Christ and be baptized. Repent and be baptized. It's just sad we're so shocked when it happens in front of us- this was never meant to be crazy or unusual. We're the crazy ones for not expecting God to move in shocking ways.
4. There is a reason that Jesus calls us to child-like faith: it's raw, fresh and malleable.
5. Jonah 1:1-6. One question: Is your ship sinking and you don't even know it because you are asleep spiritually?
6. God is not a Yankees fan. There is no way around it.

Love you all. Love being able to serve the families here at Trinity. Keep running to Christ.

Parent Survey Reminder  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

Parents don't forget...

We want to hear from you! So we have set up a short survey for you to share both your greatest glories and greatest trials as parents...and to help us devise ways to better partner together to disciple your children. Thanks for 15 minutes of your time!

Also, please spread around our desire to have every parent fill out this survey...we want the most complete picture we can get. Thanks for your help in this!


Note: This survey can also be found at the top of our main Student Ministry webpage.

Summer Camp Dates  

Posted by Jordan Jones in ,

In case you haven't heard, our 2010 Summer Camp dates are officially set! (I promise!!!) We will be going to Camp FaHaLo, right outside Jackson. It's a beautiful camp (and we're excited about how close it is to the church!)

Put the dates on your calendar!

MS Camp: June 19-23 (Theme: Whatever...check out Philippians 4:8-9)
HS Camp: June 23-27 (Theme: Greater...check out 1 John 4:4)

Hole in our Gospel  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

In his book, The Hole in Our Gospel, Richard Stearns writes, “There is so much at stake. The world we live in is under siege—three billion are desperately poor, one billion hungry, millions are trafficked in human slavery, ten million children die needlessly each year, wars and conflict are wreaking havoc, pandemic diseases are spreading, ethnic hatred is flaming, and terrorism is growing. Most of our brothers and sisters in Christ in the developing world live in grinding poverty. And in the midst of this stands the church of Jesus Christ in America, with resources, knowledge, and tools unequaled in the history of Christendom. I believe that we stand on the brink of a defining moment. We have a choice to make. When historians look back in one hundred years, what will they write about the nation with 340,000 churches? What will they say of the Church’s response to the greatest challenges of our time—AIDS, poverty, hunger, terrorism, and war? Will they say that these authentic Christians rose up courageously and responded to the tide of human suffering, that they rushed to the front lines to comfort the afflicted and to douse the flames of hatred? Will they write of an unprecedented outpouring of generosity to meet the urgent needs of the world’s poor? Will they speak of the moral leadership and compelling vision of our leaders? Will they write that this, the beginning of the 21st century, was the Church’s finest hour? Or will they look back and see a church too comfortable, insulated from the pain of the rest of the world, empty of compassion, and devoid of deeds? Will they write about the people who stood by and watched while a hundred million people died of AIDS and fifty million children were orphaned, of Christians who lived in luxury and self-indulgence while millions died for lack of food and water? Will schoolchildren read in disgust about a Church that had the wealth to build great sanctuaries but lacked the will to build schools, hospitals, and clinics? In short, will we be remembered as the Church with a gaping hole in our gospel? More is at risk than the lives of the poor and orphaned. The heart and soul of the Church of Jesus Christ, the very integrity of our faith and our relevance in the world, hang in the balance.”

Sobering. Trinity students I love you because I know you sense what is at stake. Don't love with mere words, love with your determined will.

Zach Seelye has talent.  

Posted by Jordan Jones

Check out this video of Zach Seelye (our high school Teaching & Creative Arts Intern).

Sunday Night Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

1. I am not going to lie. What God asked me to teach on was not easy. I know I might be a pansy, but speaking with that much authority (or presumed authority) took a lot of Spirit dependency.

2. I am learning that you can't successfully speak with authority (at least without coercive power) unless those you are speaking to have witnessed sacrificial acts of love and service on your part (why do you think everyone listened and respected a little, fragile old lady from Calcutta when she spoke?!?)
3. Umm...wow. When the Spirit of God speaks restoration into a human heart, the aftermath is undeniable. Thank you for showing me that the deepest thing you can do spiritually is simply obey. It's amazingly refreshing.
4. I have heard some rumblings that I am unapproachable, that some students and parents see me as someone that it is not easy to come to and talk through an issue, problem, etc. A couple things I want to share. First, I can completely understand that sentiment. I am pretty intense about most things, my passion is both my greatest glory and greatest curse. I often become very defensive. This is not exactly the ideal circumstances for open dialogue. However, please know my door is always open. Students, parents and leaders walk through it all the time (both literally and figuratively). I desire to walk through your journey with you. It's why I'm here. I am sorry for the times that I have communicated otherwise with my actions.
5. See you next week for our November AMP, the Bonfire Blitz! You won't believe the kinds of foods we will be grilling over fires in the back woods. It's going to be sickkk. And to the weather complainers- Supposedly it's not supposed to be that cold either (and you will be outside all night for Halloween, one night before!!!) Don't forget to bring your friends...it's the reason we do these kind of nights!
6. I know I say this a lot...but I love my job. Heart transformation never gets old.

Baptisms this next week for the end of the Deep Series  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

Join us on Sunday night (Crosswalk- HS) and Wednesday night (Impact- MS) for baptisms. All families (parents, children, etc.) are invited for the night. We will be in the Main Auditorium. You can meet there directly at 6:30 (6 for HS on Sunday).

For the first hour, we will meet together to worship, hear testimonies, rip open the Word and celebrate baptisms. We will also extend the option for both parents and students to respond to Christ in obedience and even be baptized each of the two nights! For the next 30 minutes, students will head to small groups while parents will stick around in the Auditorium for a parent's forum with "been there, done that" parents (translation: not me.) We will meet back together in the Cafe for the last part of the night to eat some cake and celebrate those who were baptized.

It's shaping up to be a sickkkk night.

Read the book of Jonah this week- you'll have a head start for the teaching.

Don't forget to invite your families!!!

See you then!

Wednesday Night Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

1. Philippians 3:7-11. Could change everything for you. "You study the scriptures because you think in them you possess eternal life, but you are not willing to come to me so that you may have life."

2. We have 10 middle school students signed up to be baptized next week! Shoot me an e-mail if you want to, but have yet to sign up (jordan.jones@trinitywired.com).
3. Constant Gospel Challenge. The Gospel has never been a situational adage, but a continuous story. We are called to live in the restoration of the Gospel always. We are just inviting you to see it that way with your friends, family and classmates. If you weren't with us last night, we gave every student and leader an index card, asking them to write 5 people that they have a strong sense in their Spirit don't know Jesus. Then on the back we gave 6 ways to serve and captivate them into finding Jesus. Obviously we recognize that only God can draw anyone to Jesus (that was actually #1!), but we also have seen from the first week of our Deep series that God uses us in His story to restore others (check out Acts 8- Philip & the Ethiopian). You'll be hearing a lot more of this in the future. Jesus mission was to seek and save that which is lost: this is our role through Christ in us.

Wednesday Night Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

1. Revelation 3. No commentary needed: Would God say He wants to spit you out of His mouth?

2. I am convinced that Sydnie Yates should be leading our music teams. Affirm and encourage her in that!
3. This was one of the most fulfilling nights at Impact that I have ever been a part of. Wow. God just blew through that place. But that's the easy part- what if we let him blow through our lives until next Wednesday?!?
4. Water + Vinegar + Salt + Soap + Apples = Beautiful.
5. If you are interested in being baptized (On Oct. 28) and didn't sign up at Impact...you can sign up next week or e-mail me at jordan.jones@trinitywired.com and let me know.

Sunday night Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

1. Check out Ezekiel 33. Intense. Who are the watchmen in your life? What are they challenging you to that you have been ignoring? Who has God divinely placed in your life for you to be watchmen over?

2. Church should never be normal. You should never walk away and have more "natural" things to talk about like whether the band played well, if the talk was entertaining than supernatural things. Situations and circumstances that can only be explained by, "It had to be God."
3. Who did you serve at Crosswalk tonight? Who did you love? Who was sitting off to the side that you brought into the mix?
4. I can't apologize for speaking the greater reality of the Scriptures. It's a little heavy I know, but I just can't get that picture out of my head of God seated on His throne receiving all the glory right now- I will stand before Him and I want to proudly say we pursued Jesus with all that we had. Not just got together and started to love each other a little more and felt good each week- but we loved Jesus and others relentlessly. It's a scary thing, but it's the reason why we were created.
5. The band blew it out of the water tonight. Great job...I was lost in worship!
6. You aren't going to want to miss next week! Zach is speaking and I promise no matter where you are at the theme will be radically relevant to your life!
7. If you are interested in being baptized, please e-mail me at jordan.jones@trinitywired.com or sign up at the back table in the Little House (Student Auditorium) next week.

Matthew 5- Part 5  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

You're blessed when you care. At the moment of being 'care-full,' you find yourselves cared for.

Sometimes I think add too much as I wrestle through the scripture. I slant the story God is trying to reveal to me toward my tendencies, my reluctances, my fears. But when we read the Word of God- it's about us shaving off our tendencies and re-orienting ourselves around truth. And don't be scared from that word (sorry so many people have tainted it). Truth is simply reality the way God sees it. I can get in on that.

So today- care about others. Go out of your way to show mercy. Why? Because Jesus declares there is no better way to live- he has a track record of inviting people to the fullest life possible- I doubt He got it wrong here.

Keep faith simple today.

Sunday night Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

1. Country music is never good in prolonged doses.

2. I pray for the new students that made their way into our midst tonight- specifically that they commit to coming to Crosswalk for the rest of October. Our most anticipated series is on tap.
3. Mechanical bulls and I together do not equal bliss.
4. Definitely experienced the wildest hay ride in my life.
5. See you next week for the beginning of the DEEP series!!! Bring your Bibles!

AMP Rodeo Nights  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

Bring your friends to our first AMP nights this week (Oct. 4 at CW and Oct. 7 at Impact). It's the same time as a regular night.

Come dressed in your Texas get-up and win some prizes because of it...

We'll also have a hay ride, bonfire, horseshoes, free chili & cornbread, line dancing, a couple rodeo games and a mechanical bull!