Join us on Sunday night (Crosswalk- HS) and Wednesday night (Impact- MS) for baptisms. All families (parents, children, etc.) are invited for the night. We will be in the Main Auditorium. You can meet there directly at 6:30 (6 for HS on Sunday).
For the first hour, we will meet together to worship, hear testimonies, rip open the Word and celebrate baptisms. We will also extend the option for both parents and students to respond to Christ in obedience and even be baptized each of the two nights! For the next 30 minutes, students will head to small groups while parents will stick around in the Auditorium for a parent's forum with "been there, done that" parents (translation: not me.) We will meet back together in the Cafe for the last part of the night to eat some cake and celebrate those who were baptized.
It's shaping up to be a sickkkk night.
Read the book of Jonah this week- you'll have a head start for the teaching.
Don't forget to invite your families!!!
See you then!
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on Thursday, October 22, 2009
at Thursday, October 22, 2009
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