Stuff to look forward to...  

Posted by Jordan Jones

The Winter/Spring Calendars are available to be picked up at the wall racks outside of the Gym (if you didn't receive one in the mail).

Or you can check it out on the website:

Also, we have finalized all the Rooted Groups for the Fall. I would suggest you already start praying through, thinking about what group you would like to be a part of (groups start the week of Jan. 24).

Pastor Marvin's blog  

Posted by Jordan Jones

Check out Marvin's blog at:

Sunday Night Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

1. It was good to have a good friend back around...Ryan Jennings. The thing I love about Ryan is he doesn't over-complicate things...he just lays things out and invites others into a greater reality. The Kingdom is advancing...will we join with it?

2. Yes, we do have Crosswalk next week. It's going to be an amazing night of worship. Zach will be leading the night!
3. Turn in Summer Camp Packets by the end of February to get in on the $44 per month for 5 months payment plan. Good stuff.
4. We should be finalizing Level 3 Mission Trip stuff by Christmas. Level 1 and 2 Mission Trip Packets are both available in the wall racks outside the Student Center. Don't forget: you are only eligible for a Level 2 trip if you have been on a Level 1 Trip (i.e. Milwaukee, Rutland, Lansing Project, etc.) or Level 2 Trip (i.e. SEMP) before. If not, we ask that you start off your missions experience with the Level 1 Trip to Cincinnati in July.
5. Exciting news around our community today- Marvin Williams was brought before the church to be considered for the role of teaching pastor. Beautiful stuff. Praying for his family, his congregation and God's kingdom to reign in this process. Excited.

The Naked Gospel  

Posted by Jordan Jones

I don't do this very often, but I am half-way through The Naked Gospel by Andrew Farley and I want to encourage everyone I know to go out and buy it.

It is honestly freeing me of years and years of religious baggage...pointing me to Scriptures that are opening me up even more so to the reality of the New Covenant.

Here are a few passages from the book:

"God never gave us permission to divide the law into our favorite pieces so that we could select how much we're under. He delivered us from the entirety of the law by fulfilling it through Jesus Christ. Now we don't have to fulfill any of the law.

But how do we live upright lives if we don't use the Ten Commandments as our guide? After hearing that believers have no need for the law, this is a natural question. The short answer is this: The Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us when we believe, and he is enough! The fruit that comes from the Holy Spirit within us is enough. And "against such things there is no law" (Galatians 5:23).

The New Testament teaches that those who are led by the Spirit are not under the law. The law is poor substitute for the counsel of the Holy Spirit. We may think that placing ourselves under the Ten Commandments is a good way to clean house. But law-directed living has the opposite effect. The only sensible choice is to allow Christ to be himself through us. This is God's way of impacting our lives and placing his life on display...choosing "morality" can even prevent a Christian from depending solely on Christ."

"Imagine encountering a man's body lying by the side of the road. You decide to pull over to check the man's condition. As your car comes to a stop, you jump out and run toward him. Reaching down to check his pulse, you realize he has none. He's dead and gone, perhaps due to a heart attack. What can you do? Based on his appearance, you deduce that the man may have suffered heart failure due to a lifetime of poor eating habits. Instantly, you leap to your feet, rush to your car, pull out a diet book, and begin screaming important information from its pages as you head back toward him: "Chapter 1: Eating for Health and Heart!"

Stop to examine the absurdity of this situation. No amount of information on eating habits is going to resurrect this man. He's already dead. The only real solution would be for him to somehow obtain a new lease on life. In the same way, no amount of education will change the heart of a spiritually dead person. Life is the only solution to death:

When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature (flesh), God made you alive with Christ. - Colossians 2:13

Because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions- it is by grace that you have been saved. - Ephesians 2:4-5

God knew our real need. And through Christ he met that need by offering us life. The law or any other system of morality could never offer us this life. Although some may think the law solves their problems, realistically it only brings more awareness of death."

"It appears that the only people who angered Jesus were the religious rulers of his day. Why? Because the law teachers were not being honest with themselves or others. First, after watering down the potency of the law so as to concoct a palatable mixture, they painted the illusion of spiritual success under law. Second, they added in their own regulations and beat their chests as they touted themselves as the spiritually elite. Jesus hated hypocrisy, and the law only breeds two things: defeat if you're honest and hypocrisy if you're not.

Through his resurrection, Jesus would eventually offer his Jewish contemporaries genuine life. The religious zealots of his day were working against him as they pretended to already possess life.

The source of life himself saw right through their charades."

And for those of you who are offended by the fact that naked is in the title of the are exactly the person who needs to read this.

Schedule at Crosswalk until the end of the year  

Posted by Jordan Jones

Sunday, Nov. 22- Week 2 of the Upside Down Series

Sunday, Nov. 29- Hosea 6 Worship Night
We know a lot of you will still be out of town, but if you're around we have a sick night of worship through music, prayer, teaching, confession, etc. planned. The Kingdom of God is a present reality, not just a future truth- let's experience it. No small groups tonight.

Sunday, Dec. 6- Off-site AMP Night with small groups
If you don't know where your group is meeting...please contact your leader asap. There will be nothing at the church tonight except The Journey.

Sunday, Dec. 13- Off-site service projects with small groups
If you don't know where your group is meeting...please contact your leader asap. There will be no Crosswalk at the church tonight.

Sunday, Dec. 20- Crosswalk Formal Christmas Dinner
Don't forget to wear your nicest- we'll have a photographer all night to snap a few pics of your snazzy selves! Also, don't forget to bring at least one item for the Kids of Iraq donation we are collecting. Great night to bring friends as well.

Sunday, Dec. 27- No Crosswalk
Hope that your Christmas and New Year's are a perfect time for you to slow down and take in all that God has done in you this past year.

Schedule at Impact until the end of the year  

Posted by Jordan Jones

Wednesday, Nov. 25- No Impact

Wednesday, Dec. 2- Off-site AMP Night with small groups
If you don't know where your group is meeting...please contact your leader asap. There will be nothing at the church tonight as the church gears up for The Christmas Journey.

Wednesday, Dec. 9- Off-site service projects with small groups
If you don't know where your group is meeting...please contact your leader asap. There will be nothing at the church tonight.

Wednesday, Dec. 16- Impact Tacky Christmas Dinner
Don't forget to wear your tackiest Christmas attire- ugliest sweater contest winners at the beginning of the night get VIP seating for dinner! Also, don't forget to bring at least one item for the Kids of Iraq donation we are collecting. Bring your friends!!!

Wednesday, Dec. 23, 30- No Impact
Hope that your Christmas and New Year's are a perfect time for you to slow down and take in all that God has done in you this past year.

Matthew 5- Part 6  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.

You're blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.

God blesses those whose hearts are pure,
for they will see God.

There is this thread throughout the Scriptures where God continually proclaims that our fleeting flesh, this momentary skin, this transient outer shell we call our bodies are fleeting. They appeal for a time, but they will fade.

In 1 Samuel, we see God's character illuminated when it is declared, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

In this circumstance, we see that God declares that leadership should not be based on the possession of power, the presence of beauty, the holdings of wealth, but a pure heart. Interesting.

If this reality applies to one of the most important themes in the Scriptures, leadership, can we reason that it applies to other situations as well?

It seems like Jesus would point to that being the case.

Check out Luke 6 when Jesus says, "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks." (Translation: It all stems from the heart...fall in love with me and you will begin to see your evilness in comparison to my holiness and the natural outcome will be my Spirit working in you and diminishing your desire to trade Creator for created. But the Gospel is not mere moral uprightness- a focus on proper behavior- it's a shift in motivation!)

I know our natural tendency is to focus on the outside. TRUST ME. It is hard-wired into our very DNA. It's called sin- it sucks. However, there is this greater reality- the Kingdom of God that is continuously inviting us into the way God intended things to be. And this is clear in the text concerning the way God designed things: the inside of a person is the greater reality.

But we so easily fall into the pattern of elevating outward appearance to highest pursuit, sometimes at the forfeit of our soul.

Jesus said, "What is it to gain the whole world, but lose your soul?"

9th grade guy translation: Is Megan Fox really hot enough to allow you to forfeit your heart in the process by elevating her outward appearance so high that she is causing you to masturbate? (Let's not be so naive to think that Satan doesn't play a part in this...)

(And yes I said the "m" word...Satan desires that we keep topics like these in the darkness, not allowing Jesus' light to transform you really want to be a part of Satan's plans just because we haven't talked about it in the past because of our religious rituals?)

10th grade girl translation: Is getting your body noticed by others really more important than being consumed by your Creator and his love for you?

Pursue a pure heart today.

No let me re-phrase that: Pursue Jesus today. And then let him clean your heart.

You may want to check out a similar post I wrote back in June.

Fall Retreat Cancelled  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

Hey all,

Sad news on our front today. We have to cancel this weekend's retreat because of low numbers (and not being able to meet our estimated attendance). I have heard everything from cheerleading, dance, sports, hunting weekend, homework as reasons for not being able to attend... You are a busy bunch of students!!!

Since the retreat is no longer happening, we are encouraging all of our students and families to attend the Walk Thru the Bible Seminar here at Trinity on Sunday. For more details, click here. For this reason, Crosswalk is still cancelled for the night of Nov. 15.

I am wildly disappointed...we had an amazing weekend of both rest and challenge planned, but I am trusting that God is working in us even while we are not gathered together.

But this also means...get your registrations in for the Winter Retreats (both on the weekend of Feb. 26-28)!

Sunday Night Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

I want to share my thoughts about last night a little differently. I want to add some commentary around our topic for the night.

There is this constant confusion around the Kingdom of God. And sadly- rightfully so. In the teaching last night, we discovered that for early Christ followers it would have been unfathomable for them to hear about those who proclaimed to be disciples of Christ who did not understand and orient themselves around the Kingdom of God. Why? Because Jesus constantly talked about it. A few examples:

“The time has come,” [Jesus] said, “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15 NIV).

“The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you” (Mark 4:11 NIV).

[Jesus] sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick (Luke 9:2 NIV).

“Seek first [God’s] kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33 NIV).

There was a constant reality of the Kingdom of God, the place where God had complete reign and control.

Check out these verses from a widely known passage of Scripture:

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:9-10 NIV).

You can’t necessarily see this from the English translation, but in the original text, Jesus used a really interesting literary tool. Now, before you exit out of this tab because this sounds too much like a grammar class, hear me out. He uses something we call parallelism. Basically, parallelism is like saying the same thing twice but using different words. It was a really common practice in the ancient Middle East.

So Jesus was saying, “Your Kingdom come = Your will being done.” Basically, someone’s will and someone’s kingdom are linked together; God’s will and God’s kingdom are connected. That statement would have meant that God’s kingdom coming is the same as God’s will being done here in this world. All of those verses we looked at referring to God’s kingdom actually mean God’s will. In other words, God’s will is near, God’s will is what we seek, etc.

Jesus’ message was, “I am bringing God’s way of doing things into a world where things have gone terribly wrong. God’s way is coming.” Essentially, Jesus Himself was a walking example of what God’s kingdom would look like. By living a blameless life, He was saying, “If you want to know what God looks like, it’s Me. If you want to see what God’s kingdom looks like, watch Me.”

And when Jesus came to the world, He was in the business of restoring wholeness to people—be it physical, mental or spiritual. All of the things that were broken in the garden because of sin, Jesus came to restore. He restored sight to the blind because blindness was not part of God’s original plan. He healed the sick because sickness was not part of God’s original plan. He comforted the hurting because sorrow was not part of God’s original plan. But most importantly, when Jesus came He restored our relationship with God. His life and His death became the bridge for us to have an ongoing relationship with the Creator of the universe. What was destroyed in Eden was restored on Calvary.

Jesus restored what was broken; that was the purpose of His kingdom then and that is how His kingdom comes now. So basically, if we had to sum up God’s kingdom with one word, it would be restoration. But here’s where things start to get messy. Very rarely are your kingdoms and my kingdoms about restoration. If most of us were honest, we would admit our own personal kingdoms really are centered around that whole “King of the Hill” mentality—we push anything and anyone away that messes with us ruling our kingdoms. And while the idea of Jesus’ kingdom sounds good in theory, it starts to lose some of its appeal when our personal kingdom is at risk.

It feels so opposite from how most of us are wired. See, our kingdoms, in an effort to profit ourselves, often involve a lot of breaking, a lot of fracturing and a lot of damage all for the sake of “me.”

So where is your kingdom? The church answer would be “I live in God’s kingdom,” but you and I both know that we all have those places where we want God to take His hands off our lives and let us function how we want to operate, not how He wants us to live. We all have ways of thinking, grudges we hold on to, habits we feed, relationships that are too intertwined, things we want to say, places in our lives where we know what God wants to do, and we just say, “No thanks.” We would rather be in the business of preserving our kingdoms. If your kingdom is your iPod, what is on there that is influencing you more than you’d like to admit? If your kingdom is your relationships, what guy/girl has such a grip on your heart that you really don’t care what God says? If your kingdom is this group, what are you so afraid of? What causes you to avoid new people who come here? If your kingdom is your own comfort, why are you afraid to do something that you know will stretch you and help you experience God in a new way by serving others?

Following Jesus is not easy. Our will often wants to coerce, manipulate and be greedy. To invite Jesus’ kingdom to come into our lives, our worlds, means we invite Jesus to be king instead of us. We invite His way of doing things, His will, to take precedence over ours. We get out of the way.

But before you can even begin to seek God’s kingdom, you have to find your own. You have to identify that area or those areas of your life where your kingdom rules, the areas where you exert your will. So today, start there. Find your kingdom. Before you can surrender all your kingdoms to God, you have to start pinpointing what those are, and looking at what it would take to make that surrender happen. It will require something more from you than a simple prayer. It will require you living and even thinking differently. We’ll talk more about on the 22nd, but for now, ask yourself, “Where is my kingdom?”

Sunday Night Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

1. Sign-up for the retreat sometime this week. I'm not asking anymore- just instructing. Embrace God's command to be still.

That's all you get tonight...because you should spend the time you would have spent reading the rest of my post to fill out the retreat form!!!