Wednesday, Nov. 25- No Impact
Wednesday, Dec. 2- Off-site AMP Night with small groups
If you don't know where your group is meeting...please contact your leader asap. There will be nothing at the church tonight as the church gears up for The Christmas Journey.
Wednesday, Dec. 9- Off-site service projects with small groups
If you don't know where your group is meeting...please contact your leader asap. There will be nothing at the church tonight.
Wednesday, Dec. 16- Impact Tacky Christmas Dinner
Don't forget to wear your tackiest Christmas attire- ugliest sweater contest winners at the beginning of the night get VIP seating for dinner! Also, don't forget to bring at least one item for the Kids of Iraq donation we are collecting. Bring your friends!!!
Wednesday, Dec. 23, 30- No Impact
Hope that your Christmas and New Year's are a perfect time for you to slow down and take in all that God has done in you this past year.
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on Saturday, November 21, 2009
at Saturday, November 21, 2009
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