Location: Breakout Rooms in the Student Auditorium
Time: 9:15-10:30 a.m. starting Jan. 24
You can understand the truth about Jesus in a lot of different ways—just as you can understand the truth about your spouse or best friend in different ways. Not all of these ways have to do with hard facts; many have to do more with your “heart knowledge” of the person. The reason you marry someone or hang out with someone has as much to do with your emotional experience (your heart knowledge) as your “factual” assessment of who someone is.
Don't believe me?
Think about your greatest friend. Not the most popular or richest or smartest or most athletic. The one who is there for you like no other. The one who you would die for if you had to.
When someone asks about your friendship/relationship, how do you describe them?
She has blonde hair.
He lives at 1658 Glendale Rd.
He drives a beat-up Corolla.
You speak from your emotions.
She helped me through my struggle with cutting.
He shows me God through his sacrificial love.
She has never given up on me.
Your emotional experience is just as weighty as your factual assessment.
So the goal of this Rooted Group is to see and experience Jesus himself, not just through the lenses of factual information and propositional truths (black and white truths), but to run to Jesus himself.
Because we believe that true transformation comes when you get closer to Jesus. The aim of this pursuit isn’t just to get closer to Jesus, but to be consumed by him. To move him from the fringes of everyday life to the bull’s-eye of everyday life.
Kill The Spider Graphics
6 years ago