We start a new series tomorrow night at Impact embracing the book of Hosea for the month. I know I say this all the time, but you just can't miss Wednesdays in January. The Spirit has overwhelmed me the last week about what He is going to do through this series.
I recognize that Scripture tells us that Satan is in the business of plucking away seeds of truth and revelation or that certain people don't have ears to hear or some do, but choose their selfish desires anyway. However, if anyone joins us on this journey the next 3 weeks with any semblance of an open heart and mind- the Spirit has confirmed that you won't walk away unchanged.
A bold statement- yes.
But honestly...should we expect any less?
It's what He does.
The better question is: why don't we expect it more?!?
Hosea 1 tomorrow night.
See you there.
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on Tuesday, January 12, 2010
at Tuesday, January 12, 2010
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