I haven't forgotten about these. Ok, yes I had.
But I plan on starting them back up to allow parents who weren't at the gathering & students who missed the gathering to read a little about what happened at Impact!
- I think it was fitting that we talked about how God uses but children to allow his kingdom to forcefully advance, on the night that I was almost trembling because my stomach hurt so bad. I can't describe it any other way- the teaching time was a fog...I pray the Spirit said what He wanted!
- Luke 10:1-24. I see something new every time I read it.
- Hosea 11 changes everything.
- The closing reality of this series: God is relentlessly pursuing you. It's evidenced by the first three words out of the mouth of God that echoed through the Garden after His creation was cowered in shame after thinking something could fulfill them more than himself: "Where are you?" Those three words echo throughout the Earth even today. 1 Peter declares that God desires that no one would perish. He is running after you. He is not letting go. He won't relent until He has your all. It's what you were created for.
- It was amazing to have parents join us tonight, even if just to get a glimpse into how a "normal" night at Impact looks like- if there is such a thing.
- Don't forget to sign up for Winter Retreat by Feb. 14 for the Early Bird price. The sign-up form is at the Trinitywired site.
- Last reminder- we don't have Wednesday night Impact next week. We'll see you from 7-10 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 6 for The Ultimate.
I love what I do. I am constantly reminded of this.
Don't lose sight of why you were created.
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on Wednesday, January 27, 2010
at Wednesday, January 27, 2010
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Wednesday Night Thoughts
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