Hey all,
We have received a ton of phone calls about whether Impact tomorrow is still going on. Here is where we are at right now for sure:
- The Middle School "Ultimate" Event is going to move to Sunday from 1-3 pm. The doors will open right at 1 pm, so please do not expect to come in right after the 11 service gets out. If you typically are around for the second service, you may want to plan to go grab a quick bite to eat with the fam and come back at 1. We will only have snacks at the event...not a full meal. Everything will remain the same as if it was still on Wednesday...Inflatables, games, $2...etc. Please get the word out! (Bring your friends, too!)
- We are still waiting to make a decision about whether to cancel Impact tomorrow night. If we have Impact (which we are currently putting at about a 5% chance- but you never know with Michigan weather!), it will just be an open gym night. However, you should assume that we won't be meeting tomorrow night, unless otherwise noted. Please check the main page of Trinity's website for the most updated info. I will also update this page if something major changes.
High School Ultimate Event on Saturday will be unaffected.
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on Tuesday, February 1, 2011
at Tuesday, February 01, 2011
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