Sunday Night Thoughts  

Posted by Jordan Jones in

1. It was good to have a good friend back around...Ryan Jennings. The thing I love about Ryan is he doesn't over-complicate things...he just lays things out and invites others into a greater reality. The Kingdom is advancing...will we join with it?

2. Yes, we do have Crosswalk next week. It's going to be an amazing night of worship. Zach will be leading the night!
3. Turn in Summer Camp Packets by the end of February to get in on the $44 per month for 5 months payment plan. Good stuff.
4. We should be finalizing Level 3 Mission Trip stuff by Christmas. Level 1 and 2 Mission Trip Packets are both available in the wall racks outside the Student Center. Don't forget: you are only eligible for a Level 2 trip if you have been on a Level 1 Trip (i.e. Milwaukee, Rutland, Lansing Project, etc.) or Level 2 Trip (i.e. SEMP) before. If not, we ask that you start off your missions experience with the Level 1 Trip to Cincinnati in July.
5. Exciting news around our community today- Marvin Williams was brought before the church to be considered for the role of teaching pastor. Beautiful stuff. Praying for his family, his congregation and God's kingdom to reign in this process. Excited.

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