Camp Reflections/Missions Comissioning  

Posted by Jordan Jones in ,

Wow, camp was unreallll. I would undeniably say that this year's middle and high school camps have been the apex of my four years here. Why? What stands out in my mind is the last night of each of the camps when we invited our students to share stories of how God had ripped them open the past week and ways he had healed them. 

And how the floodgates opened. 

Just a few testimonies we heard that night:

"I used to react in pure revenge when others would make fun of my skin color. Not anymore. The chains are gone- my identity is from Jesus."

"I have been crippled with shame and fear. But Jesus has freed from there is nothing left to do but praise." 

"The last thing I wanted to do was come to camp. Now the last thing I want to do is leave."

"I'm ready to identify with Christ through baptism" (which we heard 15 times!!!)

"I feel like this was my last hope for church and solidifying if I even have faith in God. Well, I want you to know that my faith is now firmly placed in Christ."

"I had no friends here at Impact and it almost made me never want to come back. But I now have 5 or 6 friends that I would die for if I had to!"

Transformation is the name of the game for Collide Student Ministries. We are desperate to create a culture of life-change. This week solidified that goal as the ultimate mission. Thanks for all who were involved- it will never be forgotten in my spirit. 

We also want to reflect (and celebrate!) all that happened at camp. If you were at middle school camp, we have a reflections night tomorrow (Wed. night) from 6-7 p.m. The high school camp reflections will be from 8-9 p.m. In between those two will be a missions commissioning for our 3 student mission trips from 7-8 p.m. 

Love to see you there!

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