October at Crosswalk (HS):
Last school year we asked what parents and students what they wanted us talk about the most in 2010. The response was resounding and the month of October will see us journeying through each of the three most requested issues: how to grapple with temptation (Oct. 10), what a real friend looks like (Oct. 17) & the true nature of sexuality (Oct. 24).
* Series begins Sunday, Oct. 10
October at Impact (MS):
We all want friends—even if we don’t want to admit it. We all want someone to hang out with, someone to talk to, someone who knows us. But friendship requires something from us. It’s not just what we get or what makes us feel comfortable or happy. There’s a smart way to do friendship, a way with intention, a way that will draw us closer to God’s heart—if we surround ourselves with the right people. That doesn’t mean our friends have to be clones of us or that we avoid the outcasts that we are called to love that surround us—but it does mean that we don’t enter into friendships for the purpose of selfish gain.
* Series begins Wednesday, Oct. 13
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on Monday, October 4, 2010
at Monday, October 04, 2010
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Fall 2010
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